Joanna Draszawka, Untitled, video
Polish, b. 1989 in Koszalin, playing from Gdansk, Poland
http://draszawkajoanna.wix.com/medley https://vimeo.com/joannadraszawka
Education: social animation education | University of Gdansk animation culture arts education | Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk intermedia sculpture department | Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk
Projects: kites | Podlasie | Polish-American Freedom Fundation empty word | installation | Baszta Gertrudy | Gdansk simply video found footage | Young Art | Wyspa Institute of Art | Gdansk participation: S.A. / spółka akcyjna | Medianacje | Wyspa Institute of Art | Gdansk participation: Laboratory of Social Design | ASP/ECS | Gdansk art is good performance | ASP | Gdansk Hierofania theatrical form | ASP/GAK | Gdansk Return videoperformance | Re:akcje | Student Gallery START | Gdansk Emptiness – the significant place | diploma work | ASP | Gdansk Empty words | 7. International Art Competition “moved wind” | Kassel Germany Gestures | Anchor Projects | online exhibition photographic workshops | Kompas / Interkamp | Gdansk
work areas: video, photography, installation, theater, sculpture inspirations: forms of nature, space, human relations, architecture
Thoughts on the Telephone process
For me this is a an exciting project! I am honored to take part in it.
This action is accompanied by an aura mystery, which further enhances the experience. I am happy that I was able to to participate in a big international artistic project.
The idea of a “deaf telephone” is still valid, not only as a game, but also in the context of intercultural dialogue.
The most difficult was getting to the source of the message. The other hand searching forms to give further news was very fascinating and enjoyable.
I think, that Telephone accompanies us every day. Every word we say, every gesture, is subject to various interpretations. Losing the original message is inevitable.
New York